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  Build Your Everyone Culture

Tools for Success in Any Setting  

About Paul  

I'm a passionate teacher with 30+ years of experience,  constantly refining my teaching practice to transform classrooms and empower leaders in the rapidly changing social context we find ourselves.  I employ my journey as a Teacher, Headteacher and Regional Advisor to help Leaders achieve their ambitions - including:

  • Build Thriving Staff Teams: Foster engagement, collaboration and chosen  accountability within staff teams
  • Boost Student Engagement: I equip schools  with practical strategies and the tools to create a 'want to choose to' learning environment where all students can thrive.

Trusted by:  Multi Academy Trusts, Secondary and Primary Schools, Specialist Provision Schools and Local Authorities across the UK and Ontario Canada  

Book a free 30 minute Discovery call

Our Purpose:
To assist you in creating an inclusive, equitable and thriving workplace



A proven relational framework to assist leaders in purposefully practicing leadership - cultivating and nurturing individuals to effectively deliver meaningful work.


Craft a climate that diminishes disruptive behaviour and boosts pupil engagement and involvement. Tools to help adults nurture social connections, foster a sense of belonging, and set clear expectations

Children & Adult Services 

Programmes designed first and foremost to support Leaders in building the equitable culture they are seeking to create within and across services 

About Paul

With 30+ years of experience as a teacher, Headteacher, and Regional Advisor, I'm passionate about helping leaders create thriving organisations that deliver what matters. Drawing on my experience I guide Senior Leaders and their leadership teams to impactful action:

  • Nurturing the Leader Within: Guide to self care and well-being for individual Leaders, Leadership Teams and Communities 
  • Building Cohesive Staff Teams: Cultivating environments where enjoyment, contribution, and shared accountability thrive.
  • Boosting Pupil Engagement: Strategies to ignite a love of learning and minimise exclusions.

I've partnered with a wide range of educational institutions across the UK and Ontario, Canada, including Local Authorities (Central Bedfordshire, Doncaster, Hull, Leeds, Milton Keynes, North East Lincolnshire, Rochdale), Multi-Academy Trusts, and individual schools.


Explore Our Programmes


Product name

Programmes for Leaders

Nurturing the Leader Within: In today's high accountability, high- compliance system, school leaders face immense pressure to deliver exceptional results while maintaining their own well-being. Nurturing the Leader Within is a comprehensive programme designed to help you achieve both personal and professional success by fostering strong relationships, cultivating resilience, and prioritising self-care.

Lead with Intent: Gain a comprehensive framework, rooted in five proven principles, that will effectively guide and enhance communication among individuals. Empower leaders to cultivate equitable relationships where communication seamlessly combines clarity of expectations and a sense of psychological safety – the perfect environment for growth and the accomplishment of meaningful work.

Our leadership programmes are tailored for both individuals and groups, catering to the needs of senior leaders, as well as aspiring and middle-level leaders. We offer both face-to-face and virtual programs to ensure flexibility and accessibility.

Take the first step today by reaching out to us, with no obligation. Discover how our programmes can bring a valuable addition to your organisation's leadership practices.

The Everyone School 

Foster a positive and inclusive school culture to reduce disruptive behavior and enhance student engagement.  Align Adult thinking and practices to prioritise strengthening social connections, fostering belonging, and establishing clear expectations.

Gain access to practical tools you can use straight away

Our unique Community of Practice Professional Development Model provides a secure environment for personal growth and fosters long-lasting change.

Reach out to us today, without obligation, and discover whether we can support your ambition.

Product name
Product name

Children & Adult Services:

The Everyone Culture 

A Relational Framework to equip Teams and Organisations with the means to build and maintain an equitable relational climate –Where Relational Resilience  fosters a working environment where engagement, contribution and chosen accountability are the norm  -Enabling people to face the facts no matter how challenging

Grow and Develop in a Community of Practice : Where individuals come together and experience a safe space to see and be seen, speak and be heard, and gain the tools to do what needs to be done : An environment where deep learning is enabled by DOING

Reach out to us today, without obligation, and discover whether we can support your ambition.